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Curriculum Vitae

Yon can find my complete CV in this link

February 2024 - Ongoing        Associated professor,
                                                  Universidad Nacional de Colombia
                                                  Sede Bogotá.
July 2022 - January 2024        Assistant professor,
                                                  Universidad Nacional de Colombia
                                                  Sede Medellín.
August 2018 - June 2022                Assistant professor,
January - August 2017                   Universidad Sergio Arboleda


September 2017 -August 2018    PostDoc.

                                                          University of Vienna

March 2016 - December 2016     Ocasional professor,                                                                                Universidad Sergio Arboleda

February 2013 - February 2016   Ph.D. Mathematics

                                                          Universidad de Valladolid (Spain)


                                                        Jorge MozoDavid Blázquez 

September 2011 - July 2012         Máster en Matemáticas

                                                          Universidad de Valladolid (Spain)

January 2009 - December 2010   M.Sc. in Mathematics

                                                          Universidad Nacional de Colombia

                                                          Bogotá, Colombia​

January 2005 - May 2009              Bachelor in Mathematics,                                                                            Universidad Sergio Arboleda

                                                          Bogotá, Colombia


Here you can find my list of publications, with links to the journals and to full texts for download.

            ORCID Code 0000-0002-0479-4747    Author ID SCOPUS


Publications in refereed Journals
  1. Carrillo S. A., (2023) Pythagorean boxes and quotients of Gaussian integers. The American Mathematical Monthly, 130(1), pp. 76-82.                                                                                                                                                  DOI 10.1080/00029890.2022.2128160 Avaiable here.

  2. Carrillo S. A., Lastra A. (2023) Formal Gevrey solutions - in analytic germs - for higher order holomorphic PDEs. Mathematische Annalen,  386, pp. 85-112.                                                                                       

  3. Carrillo S. A. (2022) The composition of polynomials is a determinant. The American Mathematical Monthly, 129(2) pp. 151-165.                                                                                              Available here.

  4. Carrillo S. A., (2021) A quick proof of the regularity of the flow of analytic vector fields. C. R. Mathématique, 359(9) pp. 1155-1159.                                                                                                         ​

  5. Carrillo S. A., (2021)  Hurtado M., Appell and Sheffer sequences: on their characterizations through functionals and examples. C. R. Mathématique, 359(2) pp. 205-217 doi/10.5802/crmath.172  arxiv:2010.09702

  6. Carrillo S. A., (2021)  Summability in a monomial for some classes of singularly perturbed partial differential equation. Publ. Mat.,  65 (1)  83-127.                                                           doi/10.5565/PUBLMAT6512103  arXiv:1803.06719v2

  7. Carrillo S.A., Mozo-Fernández J., Schäfke R., (2020) Tauberian theorems for summability in analytic functions. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 489(2) 124174  pp. 1-21. arXiv:1903.08898

  8. Carrillo, S. A.,  Mozo-Fernández, J. An extension of Borel-Laplace methods and monomial summability. J. Math. Anal. Appl. (2018) 457(1) pp. 461-477.                            arXiv:1609.07893

  9. Carrillo, S. A.,  Mozo-Fernández, J. Tauberian properties for monomial summability with appliactions to Pffafian systems. J. Diff. Equations (2016) 261(12) pp. 7237-7255. arXiv:1603.02840v2

  10. Carrillo, S. A.,  Sanz, F. Briot-Bouquet's theorem in high dimension, Publ. Mat. (2014) 58 suppl., pp. 135-152. DOI: 10.5565/PUBLMAT\_Extra14\_07

  11. Blázquez-Sanz, D., Carrillo, S. A. Group Analysis of Non-Autonomous Linear Hamiltonians Through Differential Galois Theory. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics (2010) 31 (2)  pp.157-173.​ Erratum: (2011) Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 238–240.

  1. Carrillo S. A. (2024) A Relation Between Higher Order Analogues to Raabe’s and Jamet’s Tests. To appear in The American Mathematical Monthly. Avialable here.

  2. Carrillo S. A., Lastra A. (2023) q-Nagumo norms and formal solutions to singularly perturbed q-difference equations. Available at

Chapters in books​
  1. Carrillo S. A., Hurtado C. A. Formal P-Gevrey series solutions of first-order holomorphic PDEs. Chapter 16 in: Formal and Analytic Solutions of Differential Equations, pp. 325-362. 2022. World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd, ISBN: 978-1-80061-135-1.                                      

  2. Carrillo, S. A.,  Mozo-Fernández, J. Spaces of Asymptotically Developable Functions and Applications. In: Mathematical Analysis and Applications: Selected Topics. 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-119-41433-9

Others -teaching/divulgative-​
  1. Carrillo S. A. Sum of alternating-like series as definite integrals. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, pp. 1-11.                                                                                                           doi: 10.1080/0020739X.2021.1949060 Avaiable here.(Previous version arxiv:2010.10290)

  2. Cano L., Carrillo S.A. Can we detect Gaussian curvature by counting paths and measuring their length? Rev. Integr. temas mat. 38 (2020), No. 1, 33–42.                                                                      ISSN 0120-419X 

  3. Carrillo S. A. Bernoulli and Euler numbers from divergent series. arXiv:1903.09228

  1. Monomial multisummability through Borel-Laplace transforms. Applications to singularly perturbed differential equations and Pfaffian systems (2016) PhD thesis. Universidad de Valladolid. Available here

  2. Teorema de Briot-Bouquet en dimensión superior (2012) Master thesis. Universidad de Valladolid. Available here

  3. Integrabilidad de sistemas Hamiltonianos lineales no-autónomos a través de teoría de Galois diferencial (2011) Master thesis. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá. Available here

  4. Constructibilidad mediante funciones Liouvillianas de curvas con curvatura y torsión funciones racionales (2009) Bachelor thesis. Universidad Sergio Arboleda.

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